CR 250 光谱式亮度、色度计

“CR 250的可转动目视对准目镜系统,以及可选的监控摄像头,可大大解放测试者的眼睛”

CR 250 是一款便携性的光谱辐射度计,有可见光(380nm-780nm)和近红外(380nm-1050nm)两种型号

测试参数: 亮度,色度,光谱辐亮度,色温,显色指数,并支持透射、反射、光密度测量
应用领域: 显示器调校;LED测量;道路照明评价
主要特点: 便携、高精度;带有低温自动加热功能,可以在严寒的野外条件下正常工作

探测器 CMOS image sensor, 256 pixels (红外512 pixels)
光谱范围 380 - 780 nm (380-1080nm)
光谱带宽 5 nm
波长精度 ± 0.3 nm
光谱解析度 1.6 nm / pixel
亮度范围 0.05 fL to 45000 fL(0.1-135000cd/m2)‡  
亮度精度 ±2 %Ω
亮度重复性 ≤1%Ω
色度精度 ± 0.0015 x, yΩ
色度重复性 0.0005 x, yΩ
偏振误差 ≤ 0.5 %
数字解析度 16 bits
光学系统 Direct viewing and direct measuring system
物镜 40 mm
变焦范围 200 mm to infinity
光圈 Fix (available at order time: 3°, 2°, 1°, 0.5°, 0.25°, 0.125°)
视场 10°
瞄准光路 Patent pending removable and rotatable viewing system.
同步频率 10 - 10000 Hz
曝光范围 0.02 to 30 seconds
功耗 5V, 120 mA (600 mW) via USB 2.0
数据接口 USB 2.0, Ethernet, RS-232
重量 1 pound (0.45 kg)
1.2 pounds (0.54 kg) with viewing system VO-201



测试距离 (mm)3° Aperture (mm)2° Aperture (mm)1° Aperture (mm)0.5° Aperture (mm)0.25° Aperture (mm)0.125° Aperture (mm)
2000 103.50 68.99 34.49 17.25 8.62 4.31
1500 77.30 51.53 25.76 12.88 6.44 3.22
1000 51.10 34.06 17.03 8.52 4.26 2.13
750 38.02 25.34 12.67 6.34 3.17 1.58
500 24.94 16.62 8.31 4.16 2.078 1.039
400 19.69 13.12 6.56 3.28 1.64 0.82
300 14.46 9.64 4.82 2.41 1.205 0.603
254 12.05 8.03 4.01 2.01 1 0.5
250 11.84 7.89 3.94 1.97 0.985 0.493
240 11.31 7.54 3.77 1.89 0.943 0.471
200 9.22 6.14 3.07 1.54 0.768 0.384

CR250 软件基于Colorimetry Research, Inc 公司的 CRIApp软件平台,该平台同时支持其他CR 100,200,110等产品。具有以下特点和功能:

  • Tristimulus - XYZ (2° & 10° observers)
  • CIE 1931 - xy (2° observer)
  • CIE 1960 - uv
  • CIE 1964 - xy (10° observer)
  • CIE 1976 - u'v'
  • Luminance - fL & cd/m²
  • Illuminance - lux & fc
  • Luminous Intensity - candelas
  • Luminous Flux - lumens & candelas
  • RGB
  • CCT, MK-1, uv Deviation
  • Dominant Wavelength, Purity
Optical Density
  • Contrast Ratio
  • Raster Modulation
  • Depth of Modulation
  • γ(X), γ(Y), γ(Z)
Color Rendering Index
  • L*ab
  • C*ab (Chroma)
  • h ab (Hue)
  • ΔE*, ΔH*
  • L*uv
  • C*uv (Chroma)
  • h uv (Hue)
  • s uv (Saturation)
  • ΔE*, ΔH*
  • Flicker Frequency
  • Weighted Flicker Level (EIAJ or JEITA flicker level, ISO flicker)
  • Photometric Flicker (IESNA)
    • Percent Flicker
    • Flicker Index
    • Flicker Modulation Amplitude

免费的 SDK:

The CRI colorimeters comes standard with a well documented, easy to learn, pseudo english language based, command interpreter to control all aspects of it's operation using a computer, tablet or a smart device, making it a easy for customers to create their own software dedicated to perform specific measurement tasks or for inclusion in an Automated Test Environment. In addition, a fully documented communication and calculation libraries with numerous real world sample templates are included as starting points for building your own software tools using any of the modern computer development environments such as Visual Studio, Xcode etc.
LabVIEW driver available upon request.


 上一节: 分布式光度计发光测量下一节: 成像式亮度色度计 
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